Yes, even over here, we are always looking for some volunteers. Anybody interested? C-Webb not included. They still have minimum height requirements. I am finally able to access internet again, went down for a few days. More rain, and lot's more mud. Julie starts new job in a few days, very happy for her. Got herself one of those sweet gov't gigs. But unlike Austin, she will actually have to do something instead of just taking time off. Mikey should be down in Texas running his marathon right about now. Please leave some puke on their soil in my honor. Hope all is well, try and get a little bit more snow in the mountains if you can though. Kristen, I want to go swimming too. Scotty, when is the rafting trip? Jonny, watch where you step. Pink, sue Tedd. Tedd, sue Pink. POO, change the oil in your bug. Kris, Go Pack. Melisa, keep an eye on Scotty, I think he's up to something. Laura, tell your students 'don't be a fool, stay in school'. Greens, win... or start a fight with the other team. Rob, take some time to get to know yourself better. C-Webb, eat 3! Mike and Elsa, tell Chris the German to lay off the roids, I'm a little jealous. Jay, what's up...seen Paul? J-Boob, pace yourself. Shane, good luck with the business. Erin, wipe the puke off Mikey's chin. Yell, your on! Lori and Kevin, thank you! Mom and Dad, I love you, thanks for all the support. Stan and Kathy, I love you too, how was Hawaii? Kelli, how's your little princess' ...thank Travis for hitting J-Boob in the knee for me. Doris and Steve, How's the warm weather....HA. Heather and Deric, thanks for the blog help, try not to kill each-other. SFD, save the fires for my return please, and not just the park on O'Callahan (spelling) Indy, quit being so cocky about the 'ponies'. Elorza, smack Sully for me, I won't even get into 'The Jones'. Thanks for all your efforts Barry. Eddie, don't break a rib on your sled. Andy, thanks for the help with my pay. Palmers, thanks for helping Roscoe to lose some weight too. Fran, thanks for the prayers and getting that heathen wife of mine to church. Oatley, I want Patron when I get back. Roscoe, be good, no digging. Julie, I love you more than I could ever express!!! Thanks for being so damn strong! You are MY Hero. Anyone I missed, sorry, mud on the brain,james