Here's the 447th. Expeditionary Fire and Emergency Services group. Three different home units mixed together to make this fine group. P.S. the guy wearing the hat is doing so because he's embarassed about the big scab on his forehead. He got it the night before by walking into one of those 13 foot high concrete walls. Flashlights are a good thing.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Expeditionary Firemen.
Here's the 447th. Expeditionary Fire and Emergency Services group. Three different home units mixed together to make this fine group. P.S. the guy wearing the hat is doing so because he's embarassed about the big scab on his forehead. He got it the night before by walking into one of those 13 foot high concrete walls. Flashlights are a good thing.
Everyone wants a camel spider.
Sorry, haven't seen any yet....well allive. Saw a 4 inch one that the entomology (bug killers) guys stuck in a freezer for a few hours. We do have a mascot at the firehouse though. A 4 inch black scorpian that was abandoned by the last group here. Still allive and fiesty even though it's been in an aquarium for a couple months. The guys throw in stink-beetles and geckos for it to play with, but the geckos always get out. Silly scorpion just keeps on living. He doesn't like to be petted much, must be bitter about the box he's in. No C-Webb you can't have it. I know you asked for one, but your just not worthy. Flies, sand-fleas, mosquitos, camel spiders, mice, and rats should be showing up in a few weeks. OH - JOY!!! Already caught a few mice in tents. Co-worker found a nest in bottom of his wall-locker with 4 baby mice in it. Another guy found mouse on shelf in wall-locker about three feet from floor. These mice 'got up's.' I think I'll be keeping my snacky treats in a tupperware box on top shelf from now on.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
See, I can be serious too!
WEST COAST Y'ALL, Yeah were crazy like that. My buddy Timmy and me in front of "The Flinstone's Village" An acre or so built to look like the cartoon for Saddam's family to hang out in. All kinds of tunnels, paths, caves, and waterfalls on a man-made lake, in front of another palace that was under construction still, when it took some damage by some fast moving steel and depleted uranium I'm guessing. Holes blown all over the 'village' also. Gotta watch your step. Somebodys been 'tagging' it all over too. Not sure where to get spraypaint though.
You are all so damn mean, I think my arm looks great!
We got to go out to some of the other bases nearby today. This is a pic. in front of Al - Faw Palace. One of Saddam's little get-aways. Couple hundred-thousand square feet of insecurity. The 'ventillation' that the U.S. military added gives it a nice touch I think. New 'skylights' for lots of buildings that are still standing. Couldn't go inside because they are afraid the roof might come down. Silly engineers. It might not look like it, but I'm smiling inside just a little right there.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Smallpox shots suck!
Nice little oozing blister on my arm from the evil doctors who say we needed to get smallpox shots. I thought they erradicated smallpox....I guess not everywhere. Should be a fine scab in a few more days. Anyone want it? They say it's really contagious. Maybe C-Webb wants it, or Rob, or Jonny. I won't even ask Mike, Pinc, or Scott because they would just fight over it. P.S. muscles are actually bigger than they appear in photos..okay maybe not.....yet. James
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
New Diggs!
This is My new home away from home-away from home. Station # 2. Away from the flightline, but closer to the shooting range. So airplane noise is lower, but guns are real loud too. That is my truck for now on the left. Ain't she a beut. I think I'll call her Tracy. Yep Tracy the tanker. Yes I am starting to lose it just a little bit. How close is May? ...... James
I don't speek German!
Sorry, but somebody switched my blog to german, and I can't remember anything from my 2 years of it in middle school. So as soon as I get it figured out I can post more stuff. James
Monday, January 22, 2007
I still hate Mondays
Sorry, no new photos yet. I haven't felt like exploring the bases just yet. Hmmm maybe I'm still in denial that I'm here. We had our first (kinda) sandstorm yesterday. Since we are surrounded by bases and Baghdad the sand isn't as bad as out in the middle of BFE. But we had fifty mile per hour winds for about 15 hours solid. Dirt tastes about the same as at home. Goggles help. We fought for a few hours to keep our tents from blowing away. Lost our connection on the tv sattelite. Tried in vain for about an hour to re-align it, but gave up after my hands went numb. So we missed the football games. All I can say now is GO BEARS. Peyton Manning will lose the big game, again. Maybe.... Hopefully.... I got my smallpox shot the other day, and am supposed to have a nasty oozing blister by now if it took. Instead I have a tiny red mark with a small white bump in the middle of it. But I don't think I'll be running down to tell them about it. They had their chance. Not my fault. I'm probably speaking to soon though, I'll let you know in another week. Unfortunately, we had another 'Patriot Detail' last night. That is where we have a small formation and ceremony for the poor soldiers who lost their lifes. They load them up on aircraft to send them home with the proper respect. A touching but painful tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for others. There will unfortunately be dozens more for me to witness. Well that is completely depressing, sorry, but it's what happens here daily. I hope you are all doing good, and staying safe. I am too. James
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Fine Fleet!
Here's a picture of some of our trucks. We haven't had any calls yet, which is boring for us, but good for everyone who's flying. Hope it stays that way. Just like at home they come in phases. So right now we just get to wash these beasts and practice with them. We have guys here from several different home bases, so it's kinda cool to hear how different units do business. Hope it warms up a little for everyone in Reno/Sparks. The weather here is not too bad right now, upper 50's for a high, low 30's at night. How many days left?........Actually I can't help but mark them off on a callendar. Days are flying by though. It's hard to remember what day of the week it is sometimes. Till later, James Oh yeah, Jonny, punch C-Webb for me.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm starting to figure it out...kinda
Okay, I just realized that when you click on one of the title links on the right, there are more comments from all you commentators. I feel kinda foolish now that I can see all the jibber-jabber over my fine photos. I will try to post new one's as soon as I get new ones. Allot of the stuff here cannot be photographed for security. I just sent out an e-mail to Sully and Palmer so hopefully they can forward it to all my brothers and sisters at SFD. As for everyone goes, I don't have any idea what the green footprints mean, we live 8 to a tent (my 'room' is about 9' by 12', we do not recycle (terrible I know), 24 hours on 24 hours off, haven't seen any camle spider yet (hyenas yes) -spelling?, yes my head is cold, but I already lost 2 bottles of shampoo, so I said screw it, take it all off, C-Webb, you have no gripe, you only shave it to hide your receding hairline, J-boob, What's lube for?, no unfortunately Hillary didn't melt or turn into a flying monkey (now that would've been a sight), brown sucks, and no - I'm not making my own still, don't really want to lose all my stripes, besides I need to lose weight, this is a great way to do it, anyone interested........., Deric, it's the ammo not the size of the barrel, Sully and Palmer should be sepparated, I think they are scheming to take over the department. I love you all and hope life is good. Beer in .......T-minus 110 days or so! Strandog Signing Out
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Cousins in ?
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Finally settling down
Well we are finally starting our regular (somewhat) shift. 24 on 24 off, not quite as good as what I'm used too (2 days on - 4 off) but I was a little spoiled I guess. I'm lucky enough to be off today because I'm fiting a really bad cold / bronchitis. Nice way to start a deployment. Got to see Sen. Hillary Clinton yesterday from about 30 feet away. No pictures allowed for obvious reasons. She waved at us and went away to do some business. Rain has stopped for awhile, Thank God. Already sick of all the mud, impossible to keep it out of tents, and beds, and clothes. Hopefully we can just get a routine going to make the time go by faster. More later. James
Friday, January 12, 2007
Station # 1
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Okay, so I have a little time on my hands right now. Everyone else is sleeping since we flew for a full day, spent a night, flew for a day and a half (because of the time changes) waited around for one day, drank our 'ration' of three beers in about 15 minutes at the last place we could, (because it was the last time we could), stayed up all night, caught a flight in the wee hours, arrived and checked in. This is my day to rest and adjust, but I can't rest just yet. It just feels so strange being here. A couple of people had a cold or whatever, and after about 23 hours on a plane together it seems like everyone is sick now. Mines just kicking in, fun fun fun! More photos to come. Love you all, especially Julie Kay (and Roscoe), and Mom and Dad, and Heather and Deric, and Jonny and SWebb, and Kristin, and Poo, and Mike, Erin, Pink, Laura, Kristy, Dirty Steve, Fran, The easter bunny, and everyone else I forgot to mention who may read this, (this means you Skipper). Think Happy thoughts for us over here, because we can't wait to be home with everyone we love. James
Monday, January 8, 2007
Miss You!
Here's the start to your blog. Thank you to Deric for getting this set up for us! This is going to be so nice!
I love you!
Here's the start to your blog. Thank you to Deric for getting this set up for us! This is going to be so nice!
I love you!
Saturday, January 6, 2007
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